

Chinese New Year 中國新年

1. Chinese New Year 中國新年 
2. happy Chinese New Year! 新年快樂
3. New Year’s eve除夕 

4. reunion feast團圓飯 

5. family家人 

6. fortune foods年菜 

7. rice cake年糕 

8. longevity vegetable長年菜 

9. pineapple鳳梨 

10. rice muffin發糕 

11. turnip菜頭 

12. dumplings元寶 

13. hot pot火鍋 

14. kumquat金桔

15. set off firecrackers 放鞭炮 

16. fish魚 

17. paste spring couplets貼春聯 

18. red envelope紅包
19. a big sweeping 大掃除 

20. lucky money 壓歲錢 
21. dragon and lion dance 舞龍舞獅

Dialogues and sentences
Nancy: What did you do on New Year’s Eve?  你在除夕夜做些什麼?
Bob: I went home to have a reunion feast with my family.我回家與家人一起享用團年飯
Nancy: Oh! Did you eat some fortune foods? (like -fish, Nian Gao, longevity vegetable, pineapple, rice muffin, turnip, dumplings, hot pot and kumquat)
你有沒有吃些年菜(像-魚,年糕,長年菜,鳳梨,發糕, 菜頭,火鍋,金柑)呢?
Nancy: And did you set off firecrackers or go to see a dragon and lion dance ?你有沒有放鞭炮,或是去看舞龍舞獅呢?
Bob: Sure! How about you?  當然! 你呢?
Nancy: I helped my mom clean the house. After a big sweeping, I also pasted spring couplets for my dad.我幫媽媽打掃房子,大掃除後, 我又幫我父親貼春聯
Bob: I got a lot of lucky money. 我還拿到很多壓歲錢哩!
Nancy: I got some red envelopes, too. 我也有得到一些紅包呀!
Bob: So, we’ll have a good fortune in the new coming year.那麼,我們將會有個美好的新的一年