

Mother’s Day 母親節


1.Mother’s Day 母親節              2.sweep the floor掃地
3.mop the floor抹地                      4. gift禮物
5.make the bed鋪床                      6. set the table準備餐具
7.do the dishes洗碗                       8. be obedient順從聽話
9. get along with與…相處            10. heart-felt card真心的卡片
11.paper carnations 紙康乃馨花 
12. a picture frame相框 
13. tidy/clean up the rooms整理房間


Dialogues and sentences

1. Happy Mother’s Day.         母親節快樂
2. Let’s help Mama with the housework.    讓我們來幫助媽媽做家事
3. I’ll sweep the floor.    我來掃地
4. I’ll mop the floor.     我來抹地
5. I’ll tidy up the rooms.    我來整理房間
6. You make the bed.     你去鋪床
7. I’ll set the table.     我來準備餐具
8. I’ll do the dishes.     我來洗碗
9. What do you want to get for Mom?     你要送什麼給媽媽?
10. I’ll make a picture frame/paper carnations for her.

What can you do on Mother’s Day?

1. Be obedient.   順從聽話
2. Get along with your brothers and sisters.與兄弟姐妹相處和氣
3. Make a heart-felt card.   做一張真誠的卡片
4. Make your mom a homemade gift.   做一件禮物送給媽媽

Grateful card 感謝卡

1. Thank you, mom! I love you.   謝謝媽媽, 我愛您
2. Dear mom, thank you for everything.親愛的媽媽謝謝您為我所做的一切
3. Dear mom, you are my best friend. 親愛的媽媽,你是我最好的朋友
  Happy Mothers’Day!    母親節快樂