戶外教學Field Trip


Field Trip 戶外教學


1. tour bus遊覽車                     2.freeway高速公路 
3.expressway快速道路             4.highway公路(省道) 
5.road馬路                                6. street街道
7.crosswalk/ pedestrian crossing/ zebra crossing斑馬線 
8.sidewalk人行道                     9. traffic lights/signals紅綠燈 
10.tunnel隧道                           11.bridge橋樑 

12.zoo動物園                           13.park公園 

14. amusement park遊樂園      15. store商店 

16.department store百貨公司   17.restaurant餐廳 

18. river河 / stream溪                19.beach海灘 

20.woods樹林 / forest 森林       21.sea海 

22.lake湖 / pond池塘                23. (art美術/science科學/history歷史) museum 博物館

Dialogues & Sentences 對話與句字
1. A: Tomorrow we’re going on/taking a field trip to the zoo. 
B: Hurray!   萬歲!
2. A: Meet at the school gate at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Don’t be late! 

B: No, we won’t.我們不會的。
3. We’re going on/taking a tour bus. 我們會搭遊覽車。    
4. Remember to bring a hat, some water and snacks. 
5. Let’s take a head count. 我們來點人數。
6. Everyone get on/off the bus. 大家上/下公車
7. The bus leaves in 20 minutes. 公車20分鐘後離開
8. Sit up straight. Sit still. 坐好
9. Move over. 移過去/ Move back. 往後移 / Move up. 往前移
10. Make/form a line ; Line up; wait/stand in line 排隊
11. Don’t shove/push. 別推擠
12. Don’t rush. 別急
13. Throw your trash into the trash can. 把垃圾丟到垃圾桶裡
14. No food or drink. 禁止食物飲料
15. Keep off the grass. 請勿踐踏草皮
16. Look! There is a cute penguin! 看! 那邊有一隻可愛的企鵝!
17. Don’t run into the street. 別跑到路上
18. Watch for cars. 小心車子
19. I’m carsick. I think I’m going to throw up. 我暈車,我想我快要吐了。
20. take the elevator/escalator 搭電梯/電扶梯
21. visit the gift shop 到禮品店逛逛
22. buy some souvenirs 買些紀念品
23. buy some popcorns at the snack bar 在小吃部買爆米花
24. order some food at a fast food restaurant 在速食餐廳點餐
25. Let’s go on/ride the roller coaster/Ferris wheel/bumper car. 我們去坐雲霄飛車/摩天輪/碰碰車
26. Take a picture of someone / Take a picture for someone 拍某人的照片/ 幫某人拍照片
27. Say cheese! 笑一個 (拍照時)!