

● 成立於1993年,原名為「福誠國中」,2000年改制為「福誠高中」。

● 鄰近捷運R5出口、五甲公園綠地,連結前鎮河畔步道,交通便捷、環境優美。

● 目前共有高中部21班(含三班體育班),國中部約40班(含三班體育班),學生人數約1900人。

● 校地寬敞,設有教學大樓、專科大樓、體育館、游泳池、圖書館及綜合運動球場……等。



● Established in 1993, formerly known as Fu Cheng Middle School, Fu Cheng Senior                       High School wasofficially renamed in 2000.

● Adjacent to MRT R5 exit, Wujia Park, and Cianjhen riverside walkway, Fu Cheng  Senior High School has convenient transportation and a splendid local environment.

●Fu Cheng Senior High School is composed of 21 classes in the senior high department(from 10th to 12th grades; including three athletic classes) and 40 classes in the junior high department(from 7th to 9th grades;including three athletic classes).The total number of students is 1,900.

● The school has a spacious campus with extensive complex space for teaching,   an auditorium and activity center, science laboratories, multi-purpose sports court and classrooms  (art/music/computer...etc.) designed to meet the specific requirements of all students.

師資介紹:本校位於高雄市鳳山區為一完全中學,本校校長1人,國中教師116人,國中專任合格教師110人,高中教師53人,高中專任合格教師53人,其中兼行政教師22人。高中 21 班(含體育班 3 班)、國中 39 班(含體育班 3 班),學生 1978人。國、高中資源共享,落實大手攜小手的精神。

Fu-Cheng Senior High School is located in Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City. There are 1 principal, 116 junior high school teachers, and 110 junior high school full-time qualified teachers in the school. There are 53 high school teachers, 53 full-time qualified high school teachers, including 22 concurrent administrative teachers. There are 1978 students in 21 high school classes (including 3 sports classes) and 39 middle schools (including 3 sports classes). National and high school resources are shared, so  the spirit of big hands and small hands is thoroughly and well implemented.


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