

● 教育部優質高中認證

● 榮獲高雄市國際學校獎認證

● 新興科技促進學校

● 創意自造核心聯盟學校

● 高雄市閱讀磐石績優獎

● 全國運動績優學校

● 國際網界博覽會金獎

● 友善校園學校認證

● 教育部品德績優學校

● 環境教育評鑑「特優」

● 生涯發展教育評鑑「一等」

● 天下雜誌推動閱讀百大種子學校


Excellent Performance

● Quality High School Approved by Ministry of Education

● Kaohsiung International School Award

● School For Promoting Emerging Technology

● Core Alliance School For Promoting Maker education

● Award for Building a Culture of Reading

● National Award for Sports Excellence

● Platinum Award For The International Schools Cyberfair

● Excellence Award For Friendly Campus

● Excellence Performance For Facilitating Moral Virtues

● Excellence Award For Environmental Education

● Excellence Award For Promoting Life Education

● Rated as one of the Top 100 seeded schools For Facilitating Reading By Taiwan’s influential media Commonwealth Magazine



● 學校本位特色課程:採跨域統整、專題探究方式,培養學生跨域整合應用能力,開設「專題初探與研究」課程,分為以下四主軸:(一)心的綠色意象、(二)無毒新生活、(三)永樂綠生活、 (四)舒適住宅。  

● 多元選修課程:對應大學18學群,學生可跨班選修,提供多元探索的學習機會, 開設課程有:「食在好時光」、「生活數學」、「日本語」、「科學演義」、「植物香氛之生活手作」等。

● 新興科技課程:與大專院校合作開設跨校課程—「機器人機電整合專題」、「創客藝術」等。

● 設立音樂性、運動性、知識性及技能性社團,提供學生多元探索機會。

● 圖書教育活動:書卷獎、愛閱網闖關活動,鼓勵學生參加網路心得、小論文寫作競賽,養成自發性的閱讀習慣,讓學生擁有帶得走的閱讀能力,進而啟發學生思考、強化理解能力。



Based on the requirements of the 12-year Basic Education curricula,  KMFC school-based coursework aims to empower students with a caring heart,  initiative-taking attitudes and awareness of global sustainability through inquiry-led learning and cross-field integration. The curriculum is divided into four main topic areas:(1) Green image of the heart, (2) Non-toxic new life, (3) LOHAS—Green Living (4) Sustainable Design of Green Buildings.

●Students are provided with a variety of elective courses, such as Food in Good times, Maths in Everyday Life, History of Science, Fragrance Extraction & Products, and second language learning, which correspond to eighteen academic disciplines assigned by the universities in Taiwan.

●Courses in Emerging Technologies : Collaborate with universities on courses like "Robots and Electromechanical Integration and Art Maker.

● Students are provided with music, sports, informative and skilled extracurricular clubs to ensure comprehensive learning among students of all kinds.

●We Provide thorough library instruction sessions on strategies and activities to engage students as readers, such as running a reading award, a reading bookmark competition, theme-based exhibitions, classroom library projects and lectures on art and literature. Our students have achieved excellence in National High School Students Essay Competition, Online Book Report Competition, and Love-Reading Online Project.




● 通過國際學校中級認證,落實及深化學校跨國合作課程,豐富教育品質。

● 與美國、日本、大陸、印尼等國建立姊妹校,定期進行交流互訪活動。

● 規劃各項國際教育行動計畫,如:飢餓三十、寫信馬拉松。並參加國際性專題發表,如:日 本名古屋世界青年會議(WYM)、亞洲學生交流計畫(ASEP) 、國際網界博覽會……等。

● 與美國愛荷華州立大學、高雄扶輪社合作,建立實習合作關係,引進外籍師生,營造雙語學    習環境。


World Citizen

Through the international education design, students are offered the oppor-tunities to learn to respect and appreciate cultural diversity and to be equipped with knowledge and skills needed for effective and successful cross-cultural communication.

●Aiming at the preparation of our students with future competencies for globalized living and working environment, our school seeks to build partnership with foreign schools such as the United States, Japan and Indonesia through regular visits and exchange programs.

●Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of international collaborative projects with the aid of information technology and English, such as Hunger 30, Write for Rights, Japan Nagoya World Youth Conference (WYM), Asian Student Exchange Program (ASEP) and The International Schools Cyberfair.

●To create a bilingual learning environment, we have student teachers from Iowa State University and foreign exchange students from Rotary Youth Exchange program.








Amiable & Supportive Campus


The school has created a three-tiered counseling mechanism that combines resources from parents, community, and medical care to provide both teacher and student counseling service.

●Students are guided to develop to manage life, learning and work which leads to construct a career blueprint through a wide range of aptitude tests, lectures and career exploration activities.

●Through the guidance of service learning, students are able to connect knowledge with the needs of real people in a caring, empathetic and altruistic way.

●Various activities and events such as Fighter in Life lectures, Hunger 30, Thanks-For-Giving concerts are held to teach students appreciation for the love and abundance in our lives; furthermore, to ensure that those less fortunate are not forgotten.








Quality environment

Classrooms and labotories are well- equipped with multimedia high-tech devices . The e-campus concept provides campus-wide internet access to enhance the learning quality.

●A FabLab Studio was set up to promote Maker education as an integral part of STEM education. In addition, KMFC woodworking workshop allows students to cultivate innovative ability and develope the mental resilience and intellectual fortitude required to resolve problems and learn from mistakes through learner-driven and hands-on experience. Besides, KMFC school farm also boosts learning and engagement and provides innovative ways to teach students about wellbeing and green issues.

●Facilities like a judo room, a standard indoor heated pool, an auditorium and activity Center and a multi-purpose sports court are offered to accommodate a variety of students’needs.

●Combined the aesthetics appeal of the Forbidden City with the image of the forest, our library is rich in collections and full technical, multi-media services. The inviting ambience creates a welcoming library environment that encourages reading for pleasure.







Athletic Excellence

●To strengthen students' physical and mental fitness, We have well-installed physical education facilities include equipment such as treadmills, cycle ergometers, rowers, power cage and numerous free weights and machines, etc.

●Over the years, KMFC has been serving as a cradle for Taiwan’s teenage national players (over 100 people have been qualified) in table tennis, volleyball, judo and swimming.