
發佈時間:2021-09-11 (更新:2021-09-11 16:34)發佈者:丁姿吟

We Pledge:

◎To offer the highest quality education.

◎To take an active leadership role in  guiding all students to become their

   best selves.

◎To be sensitive to the needs of all students.

◎To offer a clean and comfortable  learning environment.

◎To emphasize responsible citizenship  moral values and Christian living.

◎To promote diversity and respect for all human differences.

◎To provide a well-rounded,wholistic  education.

◎To provide service and guidance as needed to students and parents during    the entire learning process.

◎To provide the best learning experience possible.


The Goals of our English Program are :

◎To help students communicate in English, orally and in writing, to the best of

   their ability.

◎To teach students how to effectively use English in daily living
◎To provide an atmosphere where students enjoy their English studies.